Services for MAN 48/60CR, 45/60CR and 51/60DF (Fairbanks Morse)
Customized training for your MAN engines with focus to its fuel system, troubleshooting, handling of our testing tools and electronic failure tracing.
Overhaul and repair service for Common Rail and Gas components, including failure diagnosis.
For other components we offer assistance in finding the right counterpart for proper valuable service.
Fuel balancing
Depending which 48/60CR engine and fuel type you are using, fuel balancing on 48/60CR engines is necessary ever 2-4 years. As we perform this service with three measurement kits, we can setup plants with up to six V-type main engines.
(Fuel balancing valves including classification are available optional 764 EUR/pcs.)
We are focused only on MAN Diesel&Turbo 4-Stroke CR and Gas engines and can therfore provide you with more experience then any other workshop. This experince reduces downtimes, working hours for failure tracing and
consumption of spare parts and of course we also teach your crew what to look for.
As we are focused on service, our customers can choose from different options to maintain reliability at low operational costs.
Preventive Maintenance
Especially before a busy season, no matter if cruise liner, reefer or dredger, a preventive maintenance assists to protect you from secondary damages and unplanned off hire.
In case you need to extend a maintenance interval or you have just taken over an vessel equipped with MAN Diesel&Turbo CR, DF or G engines, we assist you to exchange critical components to ensure reliability up to the next maintenance.
Maintenance acc. Schedule
We perform maintenance for your fuel system according MAN schedule and supervise external technicians in general engine maintenance.
Further we offer to design a new maintenance schedule based on your fuel type, operation profile and start/stop profile that saves up to 35% component costs and decreases the risk of premature failures.
Corrective Maintenance
Especially interesting for new customers is a corrective maintenance. During our on board service attendance we detect and exchange only worn components, or components causing secondary damages.
Once time for a complete overhaul is available you can decide to perform condition based or maintenance schedule based service with new MAN or overhauled CR-Service components.
Condition based maintenance
Value for money, our most often performed fuel system maintenance is condition based.
Save up to 65% costs for your Common Rail system maintenance. Condition based maintenance combined with component reconditioning is reliable and the preferred option to operate CR engines on conventional injection system price niveau.
MAN 48/60CR VVT Service
We provide on-board as well as workshop maintenance for your VVT.
On our test-bed we are able to test, re-adjust or setup your VVT components, further any settings are
also possible on board. Spares, repair service and special tools are available on request.
Service for MAN Liner and valve seat lubrication
We offer fixed price overhaul and repair for all MAN Liner lubrication and valve seat lubrication units.
In case you are in doubt if your lubrication works properly, we can assist via mail in troubleshooting.
Contact for details and service assistance:
Service Hotline: +49 381 210 555 75